The Trustees of The Rothschild Archive London are responsible for the collection of business records of the Paris House. In 1972, the French Rothschild family deposited the archives of de Rothschild Frères with the Archives Nationales de France in Paris. These papers were subsequently transferred to the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail in Roubaix, France. In 1999, with the creation of The Rothschild Archive Trust, the Trustees of the Rothschild Archive assumed responsibility for these deposited papers; the collection remains at Roubaix.
Researchers wishing to study these papers must apply to The Rothschild Archive London for permission for access to these papers, and they must also make a separate application to the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail for permission to visit the Reading Room at Roubaix.
These papers have been catalogued by the French archivists. There are two series of interest:
Rothschild Frères, Banque [Rothschild Frères, bank]
Reference: 132 AQ (2006 52 M)
This fond is made up of two sub-fonds: the Rothschild Frères banque sub-fond, records of the French Rothschild banking house, founded in Paris in 1817 and the Rothschild Family Archives sub-fond containing private archives of various members of the Rothschild family.
Rothschild (sociétés absorbées et filiales, dont la Compagnie de chemin de fer du Nord) [Rothschild (absorbed companies and subsidiaries, including the Compagnie de chemin de fer du Nord)]
Reference: 1997 19 1 to 108
These fonds includes various archive sub-fonds of the Rothschild Group and the Compagnie du Nord as follows: the Compagnie du chemin de fer du Nord, the Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans, the Compagnie du Nord, the Rothschild Bank as well as other companies founded or absorbed by them.
View the detailed catalogues here » (note: this link takes you to the homepage of the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail. You should scroll down to the Faire une recherche en ligne [Do online research] section. Click on the Accès Alphabétique [Alphabetical Access] box. This takes you to a listing of all the Fonds, the État Général des Fonds [General statement of fonds]. In the left hand column, find Entreprises [Businesses] and then in the list find Rothschild Frères, banque or Rothschild (sociétés absorbées et filiales, dont la Compagnie de chemin de fer du Nord). Clicking on either of these brings up a summary page about the Fonds, together with a link to download a PDF of the detailed cataloigue for each fond.
Access to records held by the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail, Roubaix, France
See here for further information about using the collection at Roubaix »