Treasure of the Month for December 2021

December is a month upon which the archivists always look fondly. Ten years ago, we completed the move of over 5km of shelving of archives and nearly 2,000 reference books to our new home at New Court. This month we look at a treasure of a different kind; the physical space inhabited by the Archive and we look back at the history of the Archive itself. From bank vaults to environmentally controlled purpose built storage, the Archive has a history of its own to tell.
Posted on the 1st December 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for November 2021

This month we explore the connection between the English Rothschild family and the world famous Court Jewellers, Fabergé. As collectors and commissioners of luxury items, the family has been patrons of many famous artisans, but perhaps none so venerated today as Fabergé. The work of Peter Carl Fabergé (1846-1920), goldsmith by special appointment to the Russian Imperial Crown, will be celebrated in an eagerly anticipated exhibition opening later this month at London's Victoria and Albert Museum.
Posted on the 29th October 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for October 2021

In business one stands by one’s reputation. Trust, the assured reliance on the character, ability, and truth of an individual or business is a vital part of the mutual confidence in any business relationship. This month we explore how trust was maintained in the City of London over 200 years ago by means of ‘Brokers' Medals’ and ‘Stockbrokers' Tokens’ to prove a trader’s bona fides.
Posted on the 1st October 2021 | Read more…
EABH Conference: Monetary Unions in History, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1 July 2022: Call for Papers

The eabh is calling for papers for the conference Monetary Unions in History, 1 July 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The conference is jointly organised by The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and eabh (The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.
The deadline for abstracts submission is 1 November 2021.
Posted on the 21st September 2021 | Read more…
EABH Workshop: Digital rebirth of historical datasets, Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 June 2022: Call for Papers

The eabh is calling for papers for the Archival Workshop Digital rebirth of historical datasets, 30 June 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The workshop is jointly organised by The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and eabh (The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.
The deadline for abstracts submission is 1 November 2021.
Posted on the 20th September 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for September 2021

As we start a more regular return to the office some of us might notice a difference in our vision; our computer monitors may not be how we are used to them at home, or perhaps we find our screen time decreases as we interact more with colleagues. In the digital age, taking good care of our eyes is more important than ever; a cause which was supported by a pioneering member of the Rothschild family over a century ago in the eye clinics established by Adolphe von Rothschild (1823-1900) in Geneva and Paris.
Posted on the 1st September 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for August 2021

As England takes tentative steps towards a sense of normality, those of us at New Court may once again begin to enjoy the pleasures of an English summer season of entertainment including the much-loved ‘Proms’ concerts from the Royal Albert Hall. This August, as London welcomes musicians and singers, we reflect on the personal friendship of the opera singer Adelina Patti and Alfred de Rothschild, a great patron of the arts.
Posted on the 1st August 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for July 2021

The story of Rothschild involvement with enterprises such as railways and refining is well-known. But throughout their history, the Rothschild businesses have also helped companies producing familiar, everyday items. This month, as a bidding war emerges for control of the UK's fourth-largest supermarket, Morrisons, (advised by Rothschild & Co.), we explore the assistance given to the venerable English biscuit-making firm Peek Frean & Co. Ltd, and how N M Rothschild & Sons brought relief to citizens during the Siege of Paris in 1870.
Posted on the 1st July 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for June 2021

This month, Deputy Archivist Natalie Attwood takes a personal look at the often neglected flora and fauna of our roadsides, and reflects on the relevance of today's '#NoMowMay' campaign to early conservation work by members of the English Rothschild family.
Posted on the 1st June 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for May 2021

This month, as our museums, galleries, libraries and archives begin to again welcome visitors, we recall the great collections assembled by the Rothschild family. 175 years ago, the London house of Rothschild played a key role in establishing one of great repositories of knowledge in the world – The Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.
Posted on the 1st May 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for April 2021

As we move into Spring with the promise of sunshine and fresh breezes, our thoughts turn away from the dark days of Winter. Our gardens begin to burst into life, as Spring bulbs break through to bring colour and joy, affirming our faith in the future. This month we look back to the gardens of Gunnersbury at the turn of the 20th century.
Posted on the 1st April 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for March 2021

As a revolution hits our high streets with century-old names disappearing and fundamental changes in the way we purchase goods from jeans to washing machines, this month we look back to an almost forgotten but nonetheless momentous change in our shopping routines. Fifty years ago, the first few months of 1971 saw a transformation in our purses and wallets – the introduction of decimal currency, which had first been proposed in 1824.
Posted on the 1st March 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for February 2021

In recent weeks, as the global pandemic continues, the media has highlighted the shocking increasing issue of food poverty in the UK. This month we look back to how Lionel de Rothschild (1808-1879) took the lead in responding to another human crisis - the Irish Famine of 1847.
Posted on the 1st February 2021 | Read more…
Treasure of the Month for January 2021

Communication has always been a key factor in the successful nature of Rothschild businesses; even if business itself was interrupted communication would always find its way to New Court. With this in mind, this month we reflect on how a historical epidemic from nearly 200 years ago threatened to disrupt the then only form of communication; the letter.
Posted on the 1st January 2021 | Read more…